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An 8 Week Intro to Yoga Transformation Program

Are you ready to shift the shit & find more joy in your life? Tired of feeling tired, anxious and not in control of your life?


If any of this resonates with you, then you don't want to miss out on our next transformation session. 


Get ready to look inward to remove roadblocks while combining movement thru Yoga, healthy eating & coaching to feel your best.

Courage is starting when you don't know the results. Confidence is the result. From the first time we meet, you will feel your confidence grow as your health improves, your body becomes leaner and stronger and your mind clearer. Together we will knock down as those voices that are holding your back so you can create the life and body you are excited to live in.

Woman Facing Away
Transformation Programs: Services
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So you are curious about yoga but not sure where to start...

Or maybe you have done it for a while but know there is more to it and want to deepen your practice.

No matter where you are in your yoga journey, you are interested in making a change and I can promise you now that everything good that has happened to your life to this point, happened because something changed... and the next 8 weeks will be no exception. So... you are probley wondering what exactly this challenge includes and what you can expect from it. Keep reading below and I'll break it all down for you. I am so damn excited that you may be joining me on this journey.

Transformation Programs: About

Yoga is the Practice of Paying Attention

From movement, to breath, to your thoughts to what you put in your mouth... when you pay attention, you begin to choose the direction of your life. You gain more control over how you react and realize that no matter your circumstance you can choose to; and create a joyful life. These next 8 weeks will be about shifting mindset, creating new habits and realizing how good it feels... to feel good! It will be a combination of in-person yoga classes, online coursework containing videos and training along with nutrition guidance, a private session with Liz to focus your goals, a cute tank, end of program party and even a book club.

Along side a small group of supportive, encouraging women you will see and feel a change! You will know this change is happening when your jeans get a little looser and you feel stronger. Those around you will notice a happier version of you as well. You will begin to feel the veil of anxiety and depression lift and feel excited to do the things you are passionate about that have been on the back burner.  

These may be a lot of promises that I am giving you but if you are ready for a change, and ready to put in the work, I will be by your side to create a magical transformation thru the practice of yoga and intensional living.

In-Person Yoga Classes

Get ready to move. Starting with basic yoga postures (asanas) and using them as building blocks, you will gain strength and flexibility to begin "flowing" in no time. The YogaLiz Studio is known for it's "Power Vinyasa Flow" classes. These classes are designed to build strength and burn calories. However it takes time to advance to these intermediate classes and that is what these 8 weeks will prepare you for.

Since the groups are small, you will receive private attention to perform moves safely (and with modifications) while quickly advancing your yoga practice. There will be no more than 8 women in your class.

There are 20 in-person yoga classes included in your transformation program. Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30pm and every other Saturday at 10:15am.


Childcare is available for a minimal cost.

On-Line Coursework

Attending 20 yoga classes will benefit your life but to see a real transformation, you need more! That is why I have create a complete on-line companion to the in-studio classes. Every week there are 8 videos that accompany the classes. Don't feel overwhelmed!!! :) Many of the videos are short but provide valuable resources to assist you on your journey. The videos each week cover the following topics:

  • Hello its me - Overview and weekly inspiration

  • Just Breathe - Learn about breathe, practice and explore meditation with it.

  • Pillars of Joy - Following the principles in "The Book of Joy"

  • Asana what? - A breakdown of yoga poses.

  • Yoga has limbs? - overview of yoga history from "The Yoga Sutras of Patajali"

  • Work it! - A 15 minute strength building class.

  • Fuel for your body - Nutritional guidance based on intuitive eating.

  • Play time! - 30 min flow utilizing the weeks asanas.

Book Club and Discussion

After each Saturday class we will leave time for discussion. It can be on the book we are reading (The Book of Joy), nutrition, yoga moves, breathing, sex... whatever you have on your mind. You will realize quickly that yoga is so much more that people turning their body into pretzel shapes. It is a mindset and an appreciation as much as it is yoga postures and these heartfelt conversations will keep you motivated.


I love this description of the goal of yoga by Rachel Brathen.

"The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible or standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is to create space where you once were stuck. To unveil layers of protection you've built around your heart. To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and the noise it creates. To make peace with who you are. The goal is to love,... well, you. Shift your focus and your heart will grow." 

Nutrition Guidance

I do not claim to be a nutritionist and I love Diet Coke, some wine and chocolate. I don't believe that the only way to lose weight is to restrict all the foods and drinks that you enjoy but to listen to your body cues when to stop and when to say no. This principle of nutrition is called intuitive eating. When you listen you fuel your body the way it was designed to be fed.

Depending on whether your goal is to lose weight, firm up, make better choices, introduce new health foods or quit bad habits, we will cover it to help you reach your goals without sacrificing the things you love. We will cover tracking the food you eat to bring awareness to what you put in your mouth. We will also talk about fermented foods, super foods, water intake and more to help you feel your best.

End of Challenge Party

What better way to end the 8 week session than with a fun yoga class and brunch. We will chat about all things yoga, what's next if you choose to continue your yoga journey and have some fun! Celebrate how far you have come on the journey and you can walk away with new friendships and a new lightness in your step.

1-on-1 Session with Liz

The best way to measure your progress is to start with a baseline. Feel confident going into your very first class by meeting with Liz one-on-one before the you start your transformation program. You can choose if you want weight and measurements taken or let's just talk about your goals and what you want personally from this course. We can also go over some yoga postures, breathing and I can answer all questions so you are ready to take full advantage of these next 8 weeks.

Online Yoga
Healthy Lunch
Girls at Outdoor Party
Transformation Programs: Classes
Head Stand Pose

What others have to say.

Yoga is personal, a journey. Every one's is different. The thing everyone has in common is that it's a journey they don't regret. One that made them stronger... better... happier.

Transformation Programs: Testimonials

Liz is a super real person with so much inspiration and talent and she just wants to share!!! Join her on your mat and even if you don't have one just listen and you will feel better! There are some really special people out there helping us get through each day and she is a special one in my life! I'm so glad I found her opening day on MY birthday a few years ago.

Amy Miller

I can not thank you enough for bringing the practice of yoga into my life. I never thought I would become so addicted! I've gained so much from you as a teacher. Physically, mentally and spiritually I feel better than ever. Many thanks and much gratitude.

Andrea McCoy

I have been to alot of yoga classes over the years, but hands down, Liz's are the best. You not only move, but you get a killer workout for your MIND and BODY. Trust me, you will be challenged, but after each mat session you will feel rewarded. You will feel how strong you are mentally and physically, learn to not pollute your mind with negativity and be the best version of yourself you have ever dreamt possible.

Laura Catrina

Child's Pose


It's impossible to put a price tag on your physical and mental health. You are deserving of living a life you wake up excited for each day. We have made this program affordable for all.


We have bundled a ton of value into a life-shifting package:


45 minute 1-on-1 with Liz ($60)

20 in-person small group yoga classes ($200)

Online course with classes ($250)

Book, tank top & brunch celebration at end ($65)

Nutrition guidance ($100)


This $675 value is

priced at $395 for the full 8 weeks.


Want to save a little more? Sign up with a friend and you both receive $50 off.

Use coupon code YOGAFRIEND

Only 9 students will be enrolled so act quick to reserve your spot today.

Transformation Programs: Welcome

Want to know more?
Not sure if this is for you?

I want you to know that I am just as committed to seeing you thru this transformation as you are. I understand that you may be nervous about physical limitations or other issues. Please reach out if you have any questions and let's chat!

Thanks for submitting!

Warrior Two
Transformation Programs: Job Application

Hi friend! A little about me.

I can't wait to learn about you but in the meantime here is a little about my journey.

I thought I had my life together. I didn't overthink, overfill, overplay or over stress. I had been happily married for 10 years, had 4 healthy children and my then husband was a good provider. I didn't know that year the facade I believed to be my life would crumble and I would be faced with a decade where my body and soul aged, matured and had to discover intensional living to emotionally survive the day to day.  Click here to keep reading --->

Transformation Programs: About
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©2024 Yoga Liz | | 209.573.4534 | 1621 Irwin Ave., Escalon, CA 95320

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